Terms, Conditions & Privacy

Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy
MyStable Terms And Conditions

When a person creates and/or uses an account on our game they agreeing to abide by these terms and conditions. Over time these terms and conditions may change and players will be notified of this on the game via the Newspaper which is the first page they see when they login to our game, players are still bound by these terms and conditions even if they are modified at any time. If you are under 13 years or older you are agreeing that you have your parent or guardian's permission to join our game.

MyStable.co.uk is an online virtual horse game, these are not real horses and the sales of mystable.co.uk horses is only done using virtual MyStable money known as ms and does not sell a real live horse likewise with the virtual products in the market.

We also may change the rules of the website at any time, this also includes the running of the game, and including point and money allocation, and other features such as the total number of stalls a player starts with, credits or MyStable virtual money. If a player does not follow the rules their account many be terminated, without refund. If players do not agree with these terms of service their only remedy is to stop using the service.

Our game is only designed for manual web browsing and has been fully tested in Internet Explorer, but will also run in Mozilla Firefox and Mac Safari. We do not allow any form of cheating in our game; this includes any form of scripting, scamming, auto-clickers, making multiple accounts, using pages in a way they were not inteded and anything that could be contrived as cheating.

You may only use MyStable.co.uk for non-commercial purposes, and while using our site you are not allowed to sell anything for real money to other players. We do not allow people to come into our game to soliciatate players to go to commercial websites. Nor do we allow the use of any sexually orientated talk, or content. You are not allowed to publish any content on this site which costs real money or ask for any real money.

You may from time to time receive messages from the MyStable team regarding the latest promotions or things happening on our site, through our messaging system or by email. By signing up and playing the game you are allowing us to do so. We will not however send your personal or private information to any company or individual, what you enter in MyStable stays in MyStable. Newsletters can be unsubscribed to at any point via the "unsubscribe" option on the email received, or alternatively players can contact us via email or through the in game contact form in the "Community" area asking to be unsubscribed.

No-one is allowed to use the name MyStable.co.uk in part or in full.

Privacy, GDPR & CPRA:
Mystable.co.uk fully complies with GDPR and CPRA. MyStable.co.uk will never sell on private information such as email addresses or other personal data to other companies and we respect the privacy of our players. All information entered in our registration page and statistics obtained through playing our game will be used to help improve our game. Under no circumstances do we release any personal information of any visitor to our site to anyone this includes third parties and other website visitors.

New players are automatically given a stable block with 5 stalls, 15000 mS money. Players are not allowed to sell/give accounts to each other. One player is only allowed one MyStable.co.uk account, having more than one account (multiple accounts) is a form of cheating our game which is not allowed. Players are also not allowed to login to accounts that do not belong to them. Only the creator of the account is the owner of the account, it cannot be transferred to another player. Items cannot be transferred between accounts.

If an account is not accessed by its owner at least once in a 80-90 day period then the system automatically removes the account from the game due to inactivity of the user. Before the account is removed from the game the account holder is emailed to their registered email address three times informing of what will happen if they choose not to login to thier account, if the account holder does not login before 80-90 days of it not being accessed, the account is deleted by the system. Once an account is removed, we no-longer have any record of it as it is permanently deleted and there will be no refunds given. It is the account holders responsability to access their MyStable.co.uk account regulary to prevent it from being deleted due to inactivity.

We must state that if a person puts their account password on their page the account will be terminated indefinitly due to the high security risk as giving out login details is not allowed under any circumstance, nor is accessing another persons account.

We have the right to suspend the accounts (temporarily and/or permanently) without prior notification if we (MyStable.co.uk) have suspicion that the terms and conditions have been violated by the person(s) until a valid proof of identification is provided in the scan form of passport photo id page, drivers license photo id or birth certificate.

Players can close their account manually via the bottom section of the Stable Office.

Intellectual property rights and copyright:

You agree to pay for all royalties, fees, and any other monies owing any person by reason of Content you post on or through the website www.mystable.co.uk.
It is the players responsibility for content that is on player pages and on horse pages. They must have full permission to use copyrighted or referenced material including images.
We cannot control the content which our users upload and use in our game, and as clearly defined in our terms and conditions the player who added the content is to be held liable, not MyStable.co.uk.
By using our game you are agreeing that any content or images you upload, you as a player has full permission from the owner of the image to do so, if the image itself has not been created by yourself. If any problems arise regarding the use of copyrighted material you as a player will be held liable. Mystable.co.uk will not be held liable for this as content on player pages and horses is only added by the players of the game.
By uploading or submitting content to MyStable.co.uk you are giving us full permission to use the images on our game and for re-distribution if we so wish, and wavering all copyright and / or royalty fees for the submitted content.

MyStable.co.uk does not support the purchase of professional images for use on our game, we will not be held responsible for any images that you try and use and do not work. All specifications for images are clearly defined in our game.

Images uploaded to horses must meet the following criteria

Content must be of a horse (also we do not accept content of mythical creatures that are alike horses, such as unicorns or pegasus').
Content must not be copyrighted.
Content must not be inappropriate.
Content must not advertise external websites.
Content must not mis-represent the horse that it was uploaded to which may cause confusion or inaccuracies to other players.
Any user submitted content may be removed without prior notice and may be removed if user upload guidelines are not met.

MyStable.co.uk respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask that members on our game. In connection with our services, MyStable.co.uk has adopted and implemented a policy respecting copyright law that provides for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of members of MyStable.co.uk who are repeat infringers of intellectual property rights, including copyrights.

If you believe that one of our Members is, through the use of our services, unlawfully infringing the copyright(s) in a work, and wish to have the allegedly infringing material removed from a MyStable.co.uk user/registered member content created page , the following information in the form of a written notification must be provided to MyStable.co.uk designated Copyright Agent:

Identification of the copyrighted work(s) that you claim to have been infringed;
Identification of where the infringing material is located on a page uploaded/created by a user of MyStable.co.uk;
A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the objectionable material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or under the law;
A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and that under penalty of perjury, you are either the owner of the copyright that has allegedly been infringed or that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner;
Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address; and
Your physical or electronic signature.
Please note that pursuant to this claim, any misrepresentation of material fact (falsities) in a written notification automatically subjects the complaining party to liability for any damages, costs and attorney’s fees incurred by MyStable (MyStable.co.uk ) in connection with the written notification and allegation of copyright infringement. MyStable.co.uk will not be held liable for any content which has been used on the website which has been uploaded by a user of the website as clearly stated in the website terms and conditions.

The designated Copyright Agent for MyStable.co.uk is:

Copyright Agent:

23 Burns Road
United Kingdom

Zero tolerance of abusive behaviour:
The use of inappropriate language is not allowed in any way shape or form. This includes, swearing, bullying, offensive material, blackmail, slander and racism any player found doing this will be dealt with accordingly. If any player threatens the staff at MyStable they will be banned from the game.
The use of offensive, obscene, copyrighted, inappropriate, misleading, and pornographic images are not allowed to be used, when using images from the internet, you as a player must have full permission from the owner of the image to use it in our game. Players are also not allowed to use images of special horses on our game such as the "Christmas horse" on any other horse as it can and will mislead other players on our game.

We hold the right to remove any content that may cause damage to the game, admin, owners or staff in any way shape or form.

You are not allowed to ask for any real money in our game. You are not allowed to ask for personal information of other players or ask for passwords. Our game contains many different areas some of which are maintained by the players of our game, these areas include the player pages, horse pages, show pages and forum.

The system will only keep mail for a maximum of 30 days, afterwich it is deleted and cannot be recovered.

MyStable will not be held responsible for any player created content, only the player who has added that content will be held liable. We understand that our players have a right to an opinion but we will monitor the site for any inappropriate content which if found the player who did it will be held liable. Opinions shown by our players do not show nor reflect the opinions of MyStable.co.uk.

Players are not allowed to use Mystable.co.uk in any part of context as a dating website. Any player found dating on our game will be delt with accordingly. Players asking for "boyfriends" or "girlfriends" or using any dating or innapropriate language is not allowed.

Players are also NOT alowed to participate in SPAM and/or chain mail sent through our game (exception of unoficcial club newsletters where members have agreed to receive the newsletter). Any players found participating in group activities which involve players joining together and mailing others or the mystble team will have black mark against their account, and depending upon the severity of the issue will be delt with accordingly.

MyStable.co.uk does not claim responsibility for any player created content, the users of our site remain solely responsible for the content that they create or upload to our game.

If we do find any inappropriate content on our game we will either edit, add or remove anything that we find unsuitable for our game. If any player breaks the terms and conditions we can take further action which can include excluding players from certain areas, disallowing players to send letters (private mail) to each other or if we feel appropriate – ban them from the site entirely.

You as a user are solely responsible for your actions and we will not tolerate any abusive, threatening, swearing, arguing or inappropriate behaviour on our game, anyone found caught doing this can be banned from the game. MyStable.co.uk does not have any obligation to get involved with any disputes between players of our site, however we may take further action depending upon the severity of the situation.

Players are not allowed to give out their personal information including email address, sending code or posting links to external sites, this includes images. (players can paste code on their About You Section of our game so that others can copy and use it) to other players in our game via the message system or forums.

We will not uphold personal agreements made between players, this means we will not allocate promised credits, horses or ms made between players. However we can and will take further action against players who fraudulently aquire credits or ms game money (For example: a player says they will buy another player credits and they do not do it). We allow 7 days for a player to give another credits before taking further action.

Please also note that messages sent between players may be monitored this is for players own security. If we find any innapropriate language or content being used action will be taken against the offending player.

We do not allow players to embed chat rooms, forum or videos into their player pages, this is to protect our players.

We have the right to terminate any account without prior notice and for any reason if neccessary.

Chargebacks / Fraudulent disputes over payments will result in a permanent suspension from the game indefinitely.

We have several security features in place and any player found attempting to work round our in game safety filter will be delt with accordingly. Players are not allowed to attempt to send disallowed content to other players on our game.

Any person(s) found or believed to be using www.mystable.co.uk in a malicious way or with malicious intent towards other players, admin, staff or owner - may be suspended indefinitly with no refund on any purchase made.

Reporting innapropriate Content on MyStable.co.uk:
The game does have a safety filter to prevent the majority of swear words and other inappropriate words but unfortunately some players do choose to use other inappropriate content not suitable, which when found and reported will be handled by Admin. All reports are fully investigated (for something to be done we must first know about it). Players are encouraged to report any inappropriate or offensive content that they may find in game so that it can be dealt with accordingly.

Players can also report horse names or other content that may be inappropriate by contacting us through the contact form. Its the responsibility the player to make sure that the horse name or description isn’t offensive or inappropriate and must be suitable for players of all ages. All reports will be thoroughly checked and investigated where on occasion further information may be requested such as a screenshot of the content itself highlighting the offending content.

When making a report its always important to include details (such as a username of the player with offending page content, ID or name and ID of a horse with inappropriate name or description etc) so that the investigation can be completed asap. This is mentioned in the help section of the game. If we dont have enough information for the report to be opened, we will request for a screenshot or more details.

For security reasons we cannot disclose any information on other players accounts or actions taken against them in the past. Nor can we disclose any information on any investigations against other players which may be currently ongoing.

What happens?
- If no inappropriate content is found nothing happens.
- If content is found that is not suitable for the game it is removed and further action taken where necessary.

How to report a player or content:
Players can contact Admin with a report by either using the Contact Form located in the "Community" area of the game or by sending us an email via the contact form on www.mystable.co.uk

Competitions and Referring people to other sites:
Players are not allowed to host competitions (not including official MyStable horse shows) that involve players going to external website, or involve players paying a fee to enter it. Players are not allowed to refer players to other sites from Mystable.co.uk.
Any external website linked to must not contain content unsuitable for players of all on the game. The advertising of other online games is not allowed, nor is the recruitment of new players for other current or new upcoming games, or websites. Players are also NOT alowed to participate in SPAM and/or chain mail sent through our game. Any players found participating in group activities which involve players joining together and mailing others or the mystble team will have warnings against their account, and depending upon the severity of the issue will be delt with accordingly.

Players are allowed to create their own Clubs on our game as long as they are horse orientated. Clubs which are created by players are known as Unofficial Clubs as they are not endorsed or created by MyStable.co.uk. MyStable.co.uk staff has the power to close down any club or account if neccessary and without warning if issues arrise from this. The Club MUST be on MyStable.co.uk and not be an external website. Clubs are not exempt from the terms and conditions or rules of the game and any club which involves players threatening others, is not horse orientated, contains innapropriate or inacurate information, bullys or tells another player what to do with their horses is not allowed.

When you hire an employee to work at your stable, they will only work in the stable block in which you select them. Employees are not real people or players and in no way depict any real life person or individual. When you hire an employee they will only work in the stable block in which you select them and they will complete their duty starting at 6am GMT. To hire an employee costs 10 credits and they will work for your stable block for 30 real days.

Credits costs real money or earned for free through the "Earn Free Credits" section of our game. When a player purchases credits they are agreeing that they have full permission from the bill payer to do so. And we will not be held liable if a user of our site purchases credits without the full permission of the bill payer. Credits can be bought for yourself via stripe, and can be sold for MS game currency via the Credit Sales.

As of the 3rd March 2011 no free credits are given when a player starts an account, all credits must either be purchased directly from MyStable or earned for free through the "Earn Free Credits" section of our game.

Credits are non-refundable once spent in the game. If a player chooses to purchase credits, when they have purchased them the system automatically gives that player the number of credits that they have ordered. Credits can only be purchased through Stripe.com payments. Who accept a variety of payment methods. By making a payment to Mystable.co.uk you are agreeing that you have full permission to do so from the owner of the account, and understand fully that once a purchase has been made, no refunds will be given even if your account is closed, deleted or suspended. Credits are given near instantaneous of a purchase of credits. Postal payments and non-instant electronic payment methods need 7 - 31days for payment to clear before credits are given to the player who purchased them. Credits cannot be refunded back to real money nor are they given back to players once they have been purchased.

Any unothorized purchase of credits will result in the account purchasing the credits being permanently suspended. Chargebacks / Fraudulent disputes over payments will result in a permanent suspension from the game indefinitely. There will be no refunds in part or full.

Donating to other players:
When you donate money or credits to another player it cannot be refunded or returned. MyStable.co.uk does not support the paying of game money (ms) in exchange for credits, if a player donates money in exchange for credits (via the bank or horse purchase) it cannot be returned to the person who sent it. We will not uphold any agreements made between players, and exchanging ms for credits with another player is done at your own risk.

The Horses:
Once a horse is sold or released to the wild, the horse is no longer the property of the person that released or sold the horse. The new owner of the horse has full control and ownership over the horse, and the previous owner has no right to demand the horse back after the horse has been sold or released to the wild, as it is no longer legally owned by them.
We do not allow the leasing of virtual horses, once a horse has been sold or released to the wild the new owner has full control and ownership over the horse, the last owner of the horse has no right to demand horses return or tell the new owner of the horse what to do with it.

You are responsible for all horses sold, released or put up for auction in the game, MyStable.co.uk will not be held responsible or return any horses that our players have sold, or released to the wild.

If you do not feed your horse for 30 days then it will be automatically released to the wild, you will normally receive 2 - 3 warnings prior to the release ( day 7, day 14, day 30). MyStable.co.uk will not return and horse that have been released to the wild or sold. When a horse is sold all the tack and equipment will remain with the person that bought the tack.

Players are not allowed to advertise a horse for sale in the forum if it has not yet been created/born. Any player found doing this will be delt with acordingly.

Training/Boarding other players horses:
The training or boarding of other players horses is strictly prohibited. Any players reported and found doing this will be delt with accordingly and can/will have training privilages removed from their account for a set period of time.

Game Items:
Items will never be transferred between players and can only be acquired by them being purchased from the town market. An item will always remain with the person that bought it until it has been used if it expires or is sold to the town second hand shop.

Basic summery of rules:
This is just a short cut down section from the terms and conditions for the full terms and conditions please refer to the "The Mystable Terms and Conditions" as every player who has joined us has agreed to abide by them when playing our game these terms and conditions are in place to help protect our players and ourselves.

Game money (ms):
We only allow the selling of in game horses between players on our game, this includes auctions and sales. MyStable does not support the selling of anything except in game horses, and by doing it you agree that it is done at your own risk, we will not manage, support or claim any in game money for anything except horses. This includes layouts and images, which means if you make images, layouts etc for another player and they do not pay we will not claim the money for you as we do not support this activity however it is allowed as we understand that our players enjoy creating images etc for others.

General rules when playing MyStable

Please remember to never do any of the following in our game:
- Threaten other players or staff
- Inappropriate or offensive content (see below in points based system info)
- Cheat or attempt to cheat
- Use copyright material
- Multiple Accounts
- Commit Fraud / Chargebacks
- Joint / Partner Accounts
- Using other peoples accounts
- Request personal information
- Attempting to contact blocked players
- Request or give out login information
- Lashing out at other players in a negative way.
- Post external links in forum or messages
- Flooding of forum or message system.
- Give out email addresses
- Boarding other peoples horses
- Training other peoples horses
- Ask for real money
- Running competitions
- Posting code in messages or forum.
- Violate the terms and conditions

What is the Account Status Points Based System?

We use a points based account system in regards to account warnings and suspensions and it has been part of the game for over 10 years. It is a fair points based system, and we found that 99% of players who violated the rules listened to the warnings, understood what they posted was not allowed on the game and didn’t do it again. Few players chose to ignore the warnings and continued to post content not appropriate and subsequently had privileges removed and further action was taken against their account.

We reserve the right to remove any player made content from the game and issue warnings /actions if content is deemed inappropriate / offensive / rude / discriminatory / abusive / derogatory etc towards other players, staff or otherwise. This also includes but not limited to trying to contact players who have blocked you as that falls under harrassment - along with “lashing out” at other players in a negative way. Advising or linking to websites that contain content unsuitable for players of all ages in prohibited. The game is for players of all ages and therefore all content must be suitable. This is neither nice nor acceptable behaviour. We ask that players ensure that you are kind and courteous to other players on the game at all times when playing the game.

Players are responsible for the content that they write, no one else. The rules are there for everyone and anyone found to be breaking them will be dealt with accordingly as per the terms and conditions which every player agrees to by joining and playing the game . We will not discuss any information regarding other individual players or action taken against their account. Rules are in place for the safety and security of all players and apply to everyone. Admin decisions are final.

If a player gets 10 warning points against their account the account will be suspended. If you have any open incidents of inappropriate behaviour or rule breaking there will be information in your Account Status info page (located in the general information section of your stable office and contains more info).

We are doing our best and aim to keep Mystable.co.uk a safe place for people of all ages to enjoy the world of horses.

Any person(s) found to have made a new account who have account status points / black points on their prior/other account(s) will have those point(s) transfered to any current accounts that they may have, along with any privilage loss or suspensions, and the account(s) in question may be suspended indefinitly with no refund(s).

Pro Account Subscription
Pro-Account subscriptions are non-refundable. Players who choose to become MyStable Pro Players can do so only directly through the game. Pro Account subscriptions include the following upgrades to a players account and/or features, this is subject to change at any point of time without prior notice. When a pro-account subscription expires you will no longer recieve the benefits of pro player accounts. Pro Player Subscriptions cannot be refunded.

Players with a pro-account subscription will recieve
- 5% training bonus (horse and trainer points), whilst the subscription is active
- No adverts to be shown on the game, a 25% reduction in auction listing fees from normal price, whilst the subscription is active
- Equine Art Submissions file limit increase to 5mb, whilst the subscription is active
- Pro Player title visible to other players throughout the game, player page and forums, whilst the subscription is active
- 20% off all tack, equipment and buildings bought through the marketplace, whilst the subscription is active
- Pro Player crown icon displayed on sales, auctions, player page and stud breeding listings, whilst the subscription is active
- Bank interest limit increased from 500k to 1million ms game currency, whilst the subscription is active
- Weekly wage increase of 100% more than normal, whilst the subscription is active
- Pro-Account player will be given 5 free pro show licenses a month, whilst the subscription is active
- Pro player subscriptions are purchased only via credits as of November 2023.
- Pro player subscriptions can be "topped up" with extra days using credits as of November 2023.
- Credits that have been used to purchase days for the pro player subscription cannot be withdrawn or refunded.
- Prior to November 2023 our Pro Player Subscription was payment based through Stripe Subscriptions, these payments are non-refundable.

Last Updated: 15th June 2024

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